Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When will it be SHOWTIME?!?!

My mom went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still looking good . My heartbeat was 143bpm which they said was strong. Mom's blood pressure has been great the whole pregnancy which the doc was happy about. Mom was asking the doctor about delivery and the doc said that I could decide to come anytime between this coming Monday and Oct 13th. Talk about a big range of time! I'm getting pretty big for mom's belly so she's been very uncomfortable 90% of the time and not sleeping hardly at all. Every little movement I make, mom can feel big time. Mom can't really bend over anymore, is getting swollen feet (aka, CANKLES-mom's biggest fear) and thinks she's waddling around like a duck everywhere. Needless to say, she's not a happy camper right now and is ready for me to make my big debut!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is it time yet?!?!

I'm nearly ready to come and see the world! I'm ready for a change of scenery so the timing couldn't be better:) Mom went to the doctor again on Friday. The doctor says that mom could deliver between 2-6 weeks (38-42 weeks). Hopefully I'll come sooner rather than later!!

A lot's been going on lately...we had an AmWINS work shower which was fantastic (sorry, can't post pics bc mom forgot her camera), I got loads of great presents! Daddy painted my room a green color which my mom LOVES. He also put the crib together...everything is starting to come together and I can tell it's starting to hit my mom that I'm coming soon!

In a few days one of my mom's friends is going to be going thru all my goodies and sorting things out with mom and telling her what she's going to need that she doesn't have, etc. Mom's excited to finally sit down and go thru everything. From what it looks like, I have a ton of stuff and of course, mom has no clue what she's supposed to do with it. Guess we'll all be learning together:)