Saturday, July 26, 2008

Indian Food...not my cup of tea

So I've had my first bad experience with food. Mom thought it'd be a good idea to go try a new restaurant, Tamarind, last night. It's Indian cuisine and although my mom thought it was great, I feel compelled to disagree. Mom tried to be careful about what she ordered (nothing too spicy) but my daddy LOVES hot food and ordered, what I think to be, was the hottest thing on the menu. Mom wanted to try it and not only did it set her mouth on fire, I think it set ME on fire!! It didn't take long for me to start kicking, punching, doing back flips, and what John (my Aunt's boyfriend) thinks were hiccups! I'm feeling better now and have calmed down a bit but I hope mom learned her lesson!! NO MORE INDIAN until I'm out of here!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I think my Mom's over it...

All I heard about today was how uncomfortable I was making my mom at work. Granted, I kicked and shoved and did somersaults all day but still...was there really a need for Mom complaining so much about it?! I THINK NOT. Mom couldn't get comfy all day, was restless, couldn't stand, sit, lay down without me digging into her ribs. I don't know how much more of this she can take! I will try from now on to calm down a bit but I can't promise anything:) Good thing I'm supposed to be out of here in 11 weeks!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last leg of the race!

Well, it's official, I'm in the last leg of this crazy race! Only 12 weeks left to go before I'm outta here! My mom went to the doctor again today and he said that everything was PERFECT with me...yet again:) My mom gained the weight she was supposed to gain and is 28 centimeters at 28 weeks! He also said this is when me and Mom will gain our weight...I hope my mom gets better self control or I'm going to be a big ole' baby!! My mom took her gestational diabetes test and had to drink that gross sugar drink and then get her finger pricked. Her sugar levels are great, which is wonderful news. The not-so-good news is that her anemia came back so she has to start taking another supplement:( I have heard her complain about how tired she's been and I'm sure daddy is sick of hearing about it but at least they know why she's been that way and she can get her iron levels up soon! I have another check-up in 2 weeks...I'm sick of always being at the doctor!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Quiet on the western front...

Things have been pretty calm with me...haven't really been in the mood to kick lately but that all changed yesterday. I was kicking like a crazy woman! My mom's starting to get a little uncomfy when I do all my aerobic activity so I've been trying to tone it down a bit. I think my mom's getting pretty fat, at least that's what I hear her saying but hey, what can I do?! Not too much news to report, in a couple weeks I'll go back to the doc to do a glucose test to make sure my mom doesn't have gestational diabetes. From what I hear, mom will have to drink some nasty fruit drink and then get her blood taken. YUCK. I sure hope they dont poke and prod me when I'm outta here!