Thursday, October 30, 2008

One Month Old Today:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

I'm one month old today!! It's been a crazy month but i'm starting to realize that I'm not in mom's belly anymore. I am intrigued by bright lights and reflections...I'm starting to learn a lot also--when i cry, my mom and daddy come to me immediately! I have them wrapped about my tiny finger!

I do have a little cold though. It's nothing major but my mom and daddy have to take my temperature...rectally. In all honesty though, I dont really mind it...daddy makes mom do it because he says he just doesnt feel right doing that to his daugher!

I have been gaining weight steadily..i'm 9 lbs, 1 ounce! I am long and lean and the 0-3 month clothes are still a little baggy on me. I am sleeping well in my crib (photo attached) but I'm still waking up every 3 hours at night to eat. My mom cant say it's her favorite thing to do (waking up constantly) but she knows it wont be like this forever. Daddy went back to work around 3 weeks ago so I miss him during the day and cant wait to see him when he gets home. Of course, I'm an angel when he comes home...i get everything out during the day with mom!

Scroll down to the bottom to see some updated pics!

Monday, October 13, 2008

food for

It's official..I really need to learn how to communicate better. All I know how to do is cry, actually, scream is more like it. Since my parents are so new at this baby game, they don't know what i'm crying about, granted, it can't be too many things but it's 99% of the time because i'm hungry. I'm always hungry...ALWAYS. My mom is starting to feel like the milk maid because all i want to do is, you guessed it...EAT!

The first few days at my new home I was an angel:) you read correct...i said the first FEW that I'm settled in and know I'm not going anywhere, I like to keep my mom and daddy up all night crying. Isn't that what babies are supposed to do? If so, can someone please tell my mom that because she thinks that she's the only one who stays up all night with a baby! I'm NORMAL! Since I am so naughty at night, my parents introduced me to the pacifier....BIG MISTAKE. They have created a pacifier monster:) I LOVE THIS THING. A few other things I love...going for walks outside, my 2 doggies and being read to..oh yeah, have I mentioned food??

Talk to you soon:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday October 2, 2008

well today was the day, I was finally forced out of mommy and into the "real world," whatever that's all about. it was exciting to put faces to all those voices i was hearing for the last 9 months. mommy and daddy are tired cause i started my escape last nite around 11:30 and kept the two of them up all nite. I think daddy got mommy to the hospital sometime around 3:45 this morning, but i hung around for a bit longer before surprising the world for the first time. i was born @ 1:56 pm on october 2, 2008. i was a whopping 8 lbs and 7 oz, and 21 inches long. all i kept hearing was how big i am, i hope that's just baby fat!! anyway i'm here to stay and can't wait to meet all of you. check out my new pic at the bottom of the page and keep checking back as my daddy will update them while we are still at the hospital for a couple of days.

bye bye for now--------- Ella McGinnis