Thursday, October 30, 2008

One Month Old Today:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

I'm one month old today!! It's been a crazy month but i'm starting to realize that I'm not in mom's belly anymore. I am intrigued by bright lights and reflections...I'm starting to learn a lot also--when i cry, my mom and daddy come to me immediately! I have them wrapped about my tiny finger!

I do have a little cold though. It's nothing major but my mom and daddy have to take my temperature...rectally. In all honesty though, I dont really mind it...daddy makes mom do it because he says he just doesnt feel right doing that to his daugher!

I have been gaining weight steadily..i'm 9 lbs, 1 ounce! I am long and lean and the 0-3 month clothes are still a little baggy on me. I am sleeping well in my crib (photo attached) but I'm still waking up every 3 hours at night to eat. My mom cant say it's her favorite thing to do (waking up constantly) but she knows it wont be like this forever. Daddy went back to work around 3 weeks ago so I miss him during the day and cant wait to see him when he gets home. Of course, I'm an angel when he comes home...i get everything out during the day with mom!

Scroll down to the bottom to see some updated pics!

Monday, October 13, 2008

food for

It's official..I really need to learn how to communicate better. All I know how to do is cry, actually, scream is more like it. Since my parents are so new at this baby game, they don't know what i'm crying about, granted, it can't be too many things but it's 99% of the time because i'm hungry. I'm always hungry...ALWAYS. My mom is starting to feel like the milk maid because all i want to do is, you guessed it...EAT!

The first few days at my new home I was an angel:) you read correct...i said the first FEW that I'm settled in and know I'm not going anywhere, I like to keep my mom and daddy up all night crying. Isn't that what babies are supposed to do? If so, can someone please tell my mom that because she thinks that she's the only one who stays up all night with a baby! I'm NORMAL! Since I am so naughty at night, my parents introduced me to the pacifier....BIG MISTAKE. They have created a pacifier monster:) I LOVE THIS THING. A few other things I love...going for walks outside, my 2 doggies and being read to..oh yeah, have I mentioned food??

Talk to you soon:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday October 2, 2008

well today was the day, I was finally forced out of mommy and into the "real world," whatever that's all about. it was exciting to put faces to all those voices i was hearing for the last 9 months. mommy and daddy are tired cause i started my escape last nite around 11:30 and kept the two of them up all nite. I think daddy got mommy to the hospital sometime around 3:45 this morning, but i hung around for a bit longer before surprising the world for the first time. i was born @ 1:56 pm on october 2, 2008. i was a whopping 8 lbs and 7 oz, and 21 inches long. all i kept hearing was how big i am, i hope that's just baby fat!! anyway i'm here to stay and can't wait to meet all of you. check out my new pic at the bottom of the page and keep checking back as my daddy will update them while we are still at the hospital for a couple of days.

bye bye for now--------- Ella McGinnis

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When will it be SHOWTIME?!?!

My mom went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still looking good . My heartbeat was 143bpm which they said was strong. Mom's blood pressure has been great the whole pregnancy which the doc was happy about. Mom was asking the doctor about delivery and the doc said that I could decide to come anytime between this coming Monday and Oct 13th. Talk about a big range of time! I'm getting pretty big for mom's belly so she's been very uncomfortable 90% of the time and not sleeping hardly at all. Every little movement I make, mom can feel big time. Mom can't really bend over anymore, is getting swollen feet (aka, CANKLES-mom's biggest fear) and thinks she's waddling around like a duck everywhere. Needless to say, she's not a happy camper right now and is ready for me to make my big debut!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is it time yet?!?!

I'm nearly ready to come and see the world! I'm ready for a change of scenery so the timing couldn't be better:) Mom went to the doctor again on Friday. The doctor says that mom could deliver between 2-6 weeks (38-42 weeks). Hopefully I'll come sooner rather than later!!

A lot's been going on lately...we had an AmWINS work shower which was fantastic (sorry, can't post pics bc mom forgot her camera), I got loads of great presents! Daddy painted my room a green color which my mom LOVES. He also put the crib together...everything is starting to come together and I can tell it's starting to hit my mom that I'm coming soon!

In a few days one of my mom's friends is going to be going thru all my goodies and sorting things out with mom and telling her what she's going to need that she doesn't have, etc. Mom's excited to finally sit down and go thru everything. From what it looks like, I have a ton of stuff and of course, mom has no clue what she's supposed to do with it. Guess we'll all be learning together:)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

3 down...2 to go!

I had ANOTHER shower this past weekend that my Grandpa and step-gram threw for me! It was very nice! The food was really good, they had a cookout. My gram on my mom's side, aunt and her boyfriend all came to join in the fun! I got a ton of new clothes and a pack and play from my gramp and step-gram and the new, fancy stroller from my gram!! I love everything! 2 more showers to go! I cant wait.

I'm starting to get bigger so there's not as much room in my mom's belly so she's getting very, very uncomcy (what else is new?)

Not much more to report! But hey, no news is good news!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Am I popular or what?!

There was ANOTHER shower in my honor this past Sunday. My other grandma's friends threw it and it was a couple's shower. From what I heard, everyone had a lot of fun and I got some good gifts! People LOVE buying me clothes! I hope I can wear them before I outgrow them all!

Other than that, not much has been going on. Mom's continuing to get fat as a horse and I continue to kick her in the ribs constantly. I can't believe that I only have 8 weeks left until I meet my mom and daddy. Time has flown by...I'm not sure if mom and daddy are prepared for me quite yet. I hear them talking about everything they have left to do...and let me tell you, it sounds like they have A LOT!

Most importantly, I have very good news...My daddy graduated from UNCC! His diploma came in the mail on Saturday. I'm so proud of him!

I am attaching some pictures taken at the shower yesterday!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A party in my honor?!

My first shower took place on Sunday at my grandma's house. It was fantastic! There were bellini's (mom didn't have any), a catered brunch, great people, and great gifts:) I am shocked that so many people came to honor me, just a little baby no one has met yet. I heard lots of laughing and chatting as I sat comfy in my mom's belly. I can see that my mom and grandma have great friends that really went above and beyond the call of duty! We have another shower, that my other grandma's friends are throwing this coming Sunday so I can't wait to see how that turns out! I hope when I'm out of mom's belly that people celebrate this much!

On another note, I've been hurting my mom a lot lately. I seem to only get comfy on the right side of her belly. My head's down and my feet are right in her rib cage and I move around CONSTANTLY. I can tell that she's very uncomfortable because I heard her talk to the doctor about it today...they said there wasn't really anything that could be done except take Tylenol every 4 hours. Mom said no way she's going to take all that medicine! She said she'd deal with it. However, she does let my daddy know every chance she gets how uncomfortable she is...I sure hope he appreciates everything mom is doing for me! Maybe if mom starts kicking daddy in the ribs he'll understand the pain she's for thought.

Anyway, I'm attaching a picture of my Aunt, Grandma and Mom at the shower below.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Indian Food...not my cup of tea

So I've had my first bad experience with food. Mom thought it'd be a good idea to go try a new restaurant, Tamarind, last night. It's Indian cuisine and although my mom thought it was great, I feel compelled to disagree. Mom tried to be careful about what she ordered (nothing too spicy) but my daddy LOVES hot food and ordered, what I think to be, was the hottest thing on the menu. Mom wanted to try it and not only did it set her mouth on fire, I think it set ME on fire!! It didn't take long for me to start kicking, punching, doing back flips, and what John (my Aunt's boyfriend) thinks were hiccups! I'm feeling better now and have calmed down a bit but I hope mom learned her lesson!! NO MORE INDIAN until I'm out of here!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I think my Mom's over it...

All I heard about today was how uncomfortable I was making my mom at work. Granted, I kicked and shoved and did somersaults all day but still...was there really a need for Mom complaining so much about it?! I THINK NOT. Mom couldn't get comfy all day, was restless, couldn't stand, sit, lay down without me digging into her ribs. I don't know how much more of this she can take! I will try from now on to calm down a bit but I can't promise anything:) Good thing I'm supposed to be out of here in 11 weeks!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last leg of the race!

Well, it's official, I'm in the last leg of this crazy race! Only 12 weeks left to go before I'm outta here! My mom went to the doctor again today and he said that everything was PERFECT with me...yet again:) My mom gained the weight she was supposed to gain and is 28 centimeters at 28 weeks! He also said this is when me and Mom will gain our weight...I hope my mom gets better self control or I'm going to be a big ole' baby!! My mom took her gestational diabetes test and had to drink that gross sugar drink and then get her finger pricked. Her sugar levels are great, which is wonderful news. The not-so-good news is that her anemia came back so she has to start taking another supplement:( I have heard her complain about how tired she's been and I'm sure daddy is sick of hearing about it but at least they know why she's been that way and she can get her iron levels up soon! I have another check-up in 2 weeks...I'm sick of always being at the doctor!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Quiet on the western front...

Things have been pretty calm with me...haven't really been in the mood to kick lately but that all changed yesterday. I was kicking like a crazy woman! My mom's starting to get a little uncomfy when I do all my aerobic activity so I've been trying to tone it down a bit. I think my mom's getting pretty fat, at least that's what I hear her saying but hey, what can I do?! Not too much news to report, in a couple weeks I'll go back to the doc to do a glucose test to make sure my mom doesn't have gestational diabetes. From what I hear, mom will have to drink some nasty fruit drink and then get her blood taken. YUCK. I sure hope they dont poke and prod me when I'm outta here!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

In honor of...

In honor of my great-grandmother, Isabelle Vatz, I've been named Isabella. She died at 4:50 this morning with my grandma and great-uncle by her side. From the stories I've heard, she was an amazing woman and I hope I can carry on her name in a way she would want and be proud of. Looks like I have some pretty big shoes to fill but I'm up for the challenge and know I wont let her down. I know my mom and great-grandma were very, very close so my mom is trying to stay strong for me.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's Official...

So it's official. My mom cannot have any caffeine until I'm outta here! She slept terrible last night and was exhausted today at work. She decided it would be somewhat okay to have half of a can of soda (she hasn't had one since she found out I was setting up camp in her belly)....NOT A GOOD IDEA. I became an acrobat immediately...I think all the flips I was doing made me nauseous! For the rest of the day all I did was toss and turn in mom's belly and I'm sure it was driving her nuts with all the kicking, punching and other fighting moves! I hope she learned her lesson..NO MORE CAFFEINE.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Perfect Check-up

My mom and "youngma" went to the doc for a checkup yesterday and they said I'm the exact size I need to be and heard my heartbeat. It's 161 BPM! My mom's tummy is 23 cm long and I'm 23 weeks that a coincidence? I think not, it's just a sign that when I'm outta this cramped living situation I'm going to be perfect. Yes, I said it, PERFECT! I heard my daddy telling mom today that I'm going to be "hell on wheels" since I am his child...obviously he has no idea my master plan of being an angel:)

Mom and Dad registered at Babies R Us this weekend. They were there for a couple hours and I could tell mom started getting tired since I heard her complain her feet were hurting..whatever feet are, guess I'll find out soon enough! Maybe it's what I've been kicking mom with all day long while she was at work! I can tell she enjoys it though because whenever I kick, she rubs her belly! It's payback for when she started poking her belly trying to get me to wake up last night!

I'm really excited because my daddy felt me kick for the first time tonight! Everytime I kicked and I heard my mom call him over I would stop as soon as he touched mom's belly (a fun game for me). Well tonight, since he did well on his quiz in summer school, I let him feel me kick! It was a hard one too...I didn't want him to miss it! I think my mom and daddy are really excited about meeting me!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mom felt my first movement!

It FINALLY happened...I decided to startle my mom and finally kick her! It was pretty funny. She didn't know what it was and jumped a little when she was laying down Thursday night in bed. I heard her try to wake up my dad and all he did was roll over...obviously he was in a deep sleep! I was trying to get comfy in my mom's belly and it took quite some time so I was kicking and moving around quite a bit...maybe boxing will be in my future! I seem to only want to move around when mom's laying down...all she does now is stare at her belly waiting for my next boxing move. I'll have to show her some new moves soon...guess I better start practicing!