Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I know, I's been a while.....

It's been too long so I'm going to get everyone up to speed!!

Where to begin, well, my mom went back to work the beginning of January! I like seeing all the extra money in our checking account but I miss mom during the day because when she comes to pick me up from grandma's, I get a gigantic smile on my face!! I'm staying with my grandma and I'm really glad I dont have to go to daycare yet! Grandma will be watching me until October (my 1 year birthday!) and then, i'm off to meet new friends at daycare!!

I've had some pretty big milestones since we last spoke...let's see....i've rolled over, a lot, i've started laughing, especially when i get tickled! i can hold my head up on my own, i'm also starting to lift my head off the floor when I"m laying on my back!! I hear mom tell people that I'm a genius, whatever that means! I've also had my first cold, which i caught from daddy...he needs to be more careful! Mom and daddy have attempted to start me on whole grain rice cereal and so far, it's been pretty unsuccessful. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks i'll get the hang of it a little better! I've also been sleeping thru the night since I was 10 weeks old. This past Sunday and Monday, I backtracked a little and was awake pretty much all night but last night I slept thru the night and i know mom and daddy are praying I sleep thru the night again tonight! I'll keep them guessing:)

Mom is going to be signing me and daddy up for an introduction to swim class! I already have my bathingsuit! It's mighty cute, if I say so myself.

I'm posting some new pics also!!

1 comment:

Steph Cusimano said...

Swim class already?! She's going to be an olympic swimmer by the time she's a toddler! :)