Saturday, July 26, 2008

Indian Food...not my cup of tea

So I've had my first bad experience with food. Mom thought it'd be a good idea to go try a new restaurant, Tamarind, last night. It's Indian cuisine and although my mom thought it was great, I feel compelled to disagree. Mom tried to be careful about what she ordered (nothing too spicy) but my daddy LOVES hot food and ordered, what I think to be, was the hottest thing on the menu. Mom wanted to try it and not only did it set her mouth on fire, I think it set ME on fire!! It didn't take long for me to start kicking, punching, doing back flips, and what John (my Aunt's boyfriend) thinks were hiccups! I'm feeling better now and have calmed down a bit but I hope mom learned her lesson!! NO MORE INDIAN until I'm out of here!!

1 comment:

The Schreibman Family said...

Poor little thing.... Ella I am sorry your mommy subjected you to that stuff. I dont know how she does it normally!